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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

iRecco@mail.com energy.IRecco@mail.com

+1 (800) 123 456 789
+1 (800) 321 456 746

Mr. William Innes Amonoo

Founder / Senior Executive Managing Director
Mr. William Innes Amonoo

Mr. William was populated in Phuket since 1993. He came from Aberdeen Scotland in UK and graduated from Robert Gordon’s University (RGIT). He started to work as the Chemical Analysis of Water before worked as the Petroleum and Gas Engineer in 1985 also be promoted to the consultant since 1991.

He are also the founder of MonoSun Technology which was evolved from his motivation and suspense to produce the electric power from solar energy for residential and businesses also customize the suitable and durable with the tropical climate including the sea salt coastal air in Phuket Island.